Seville, Spain

Our flight from London to Seville was easy overall, aside from having to get up at 4 am to make the airport. This compounded our sleep debt and when we finally got to Seville the only thing we were able to see before taking a 6-hour nap was the Seville Cathedral. I knew for sure that I needed to sleep when trudging through the world’s largest cathedral felt like a chore more than a privilege. Christopher Columbus’ stunning tomb only inspired a mild response. We did see a wooden alligator hanging from one of the outdoor transepts. Though I should have been asking why there was a wooden alligator at a church, I instead named him Woody Allengator. Tyler and Joey both laughed, which is concrete evidence that we all needed to sleep. Clearly, we weren’t thinking straight.

So after a glorious 6-hour nap we enjoyed a meal at a 300-year-old tapas bar. The food was good but the surprise of the evening was discovering a half-formed pearl in one the oysters we ate. Actually, my teeth discovered it. And after realizing what it was, we decided to make it the trip mascot and to name it. We settled on Gary Lawrence of Iberia. Unlike Woody Allengator, the pearl’s name is absolutely brilliant. He was too small though, and I lost him the next morning. Tyler cried.

We planned to head to Madrid the following morning but Tyler found out that there would be a bullfight that night in Seville. This was exciting to all of us, since attending a bullfight was at the forefront of our imaginations from the planning stages of this trip. There seems to be nothing more quintessentially Spanish than a bullfight, and Seville is the world capital of bullfights.

But I have to say the overall experience was strange and a little unsettling for me. One bull, for instance, had blood gushing out of his mouth by the end of the fight and when the team of horses would drag the dead bull’s body away, it always felt like they were celebration was a little too extravagant. It’s not like the bull had a real chance.

The most fascinating aspect of the whole ordeal was the matadors themselves. I didn’t realize there was a team of matadors each with a different job. The main matador though is the most fascinating. He is the one who ends up killing the bull, and he occupies a strange masculine/feminine space. In one sense his main job is to seduce the bull, luring him into a hypnotic dance. His main weapon is a kind of dance, a dance full of graceful and strikingly feminine steps. The bull spins and lunges into an ever dizzying trance, and ends up utterly stunned, standing woozy in front of the matador, who then plunges a sword into the bull’s back. This is where the matador becomes decidedly masculine. What starts graceful and seductive ends forceful and aggressive. And though we saw one matador toppled end over end by a charging bull, I never felt like the bullfighters were in danger. The only one in danger was the bull. His fate was sealed as soon as he stepped into the arena. What I thought would be a true confrontation between man and beast was really more pageantry, a prelude to a known end—the death of the bull.

Now on to one of the reasons travel is so great. Edward de Bono describes the human brain as a “self-organizing system,” which means, among other things, that as your brain figures something out, a place, a process, etc., it creates neural shortcuts for that thing. These neural shortcuts self-organize so that when certain stimuli hit your brain, your brain knows exactly what to do, so that over a long enough period of time you can do certain things on autopilot. Think about driving in your hometown. For the most part you aren’t paying attention because your brain knows how to get around.

What this means is that to learn, to grow, to shake up your brain, you need new environments and challenges. Travel, especially in foreign countries, jump-starts your brain.

In London when we walked into Victoria station and there were thousands of people moving in every direction and I was on no sleep and I had to figure out what tube to take, my brain kicked into overdrive. And I loved it. I had to form new patterns or at least develop pathways between existing patterns in my mind. I’ve always described travel as heightened living. You do many of things that you do in your regular life, but you experience them in a heightened way. If your every day life is standard definition television, then travel is high definition television.

For more photos from our adventures go here.

All photos by Joseph Schalbs.

34 Days in Europe Starts Here

“Why do you like going to Europe so much?” My grandfather asked me this question the day before I left for a 35-day jaunt to the continent, and in asking this question I know that he wanted me to justify the time and expense involved in such a journey. My sense is that his question is a lot of people’s question. Put simply, he’s really asking why travel matters. For someone like me who has been to Europe a handful of times and considers travel unquestionably valuable, the question strikes me as odd, almost nonsensical really. Surely there is no need to justify travel as a worthwhile investment of time and money?But maybe there is.

In addition to chronicling where we have gone and what we have done, I want to use this blog to attempt an answer to my grandfather’s question. I want to examine my own motivations for traveling and to dissect the underlining premise of the question, namely that things must have a measurable utility in order to be valuable.

So it begins.

None of us slept at all on the flight to London. This was a huge tactical error because we landed at 7:45 am local time, putting a whole day before our weary, plane-fatigued bodies. We decided that the rush of adrenaline and the aid of energy drinks would keep us going. It didn’t. When we finally made it to the British Library, it was all I could do to keep my eyes open. And that is saying something, considering that the only existing manuscript copy of Beowulf was two feet in front of me. If Beowulf or Paul McCartney’s handwritten lyrics for Yesterday or pages from Da Vinci’s notebooks can’t wake me up, then I really need a nap.

Part of this trip is about staying with people rather than in hotels. Saving money is part of it, but meeting new people is our main motive. We started with two of my college friends, Matt Gierhart and Josh Montgomery. They ive in London, and they were gracious enough to let us stay with them for a night on the floor of their flat. After a much needed nap, Matt and Josh took us around the corner for some local fare at the Indian Cottage. I grew to love Indian food in New York City, and I’ve quite missed it in Amarillo. The meal was great. Meals and friends seem like self-justifying reasons to travel, but I will explore the reasons for travel in my next post.

We slept for four hours that night and caught a flight to Seville, Spain. More on that later.

All photos by Joseph Schlabs.
Sleepy in London pub
Sleepy in London pub
Posing in the tube
Posing in the tube

Matt and Josh's apartment
Matt and Josh's apartment

Day 5 – Bacon Hair

We leave St. Louis behind and make a dead sprint for Ohio to get Dave to his bride-to-be.  That’s not to say that we don’t have fun along the way because we do.  We very much do.  Check it out Day 5 here.

Day 4 – Human Tsunami

We almost drown in a sea of cardinal red and a very special guest arrives on the fourth day of our adventure.  There is song and dance galore on the latest episode of Ahoy Ohio.

Day 3 – Bad Motha Trucka

Between the banned fireworks stand and the sweaty waiter at Outback, things warm up as we continue east on our journey to Dave’s wedding. Check out the latest installment of Ahoy Ohio at Tyler Buschman’s website.